Young Adults Israel Engagement Grants

Does your organization have an idea, project, or event to bring Israeli arts, culture, or innovation to young adults with the goal of fostering a deeper, more meaningful connection to Israel? Good news: We might have a grant for you!   

Careers, families, relationships... Navigating your 20s and 30s is challenging enough on its own.

Nurturing and maintaining a connection to Israel may not even be on the radar of many Millennials and Gen Zers, but it’s one of the most important and crucial legacies we can impart to the next generations to ensure a strong Jewish future.

Combined Jewish Philanthropies is pleased to announce our FY23 Young Adults (YA) Israel Engagement Grants. This fund was developed to support projects and events that help young adults (ages 22–40) connect with Israel and its dynamic, creative, and diverse culture.

CJP Mission

To inspire and mobilize the diverse Boston Jewish community to engage in building communities of learning that strengthen Jewish life and improve the world.

Guiding Principles

CJP’s YA Israel Engagement Grant fund seeks to support projects and events that:

  • Are geared toward young adults (ages 22–40)
  • Deep dive into an aspect of Israeli arts, culture, or innovation
  • Are experiential, hands-on, and fun


  • Applicants are eligible to apply for $2,000–$4,000 per cycle
  • All applicants must be a CJP partner currently operating within the CJP catchment area.  Applicants may apply as individual organizations or as a collaboration among multiple organizations.
  • Applications will be open on Monday, July 3, 2023, and must be submitted by Thursday, October 12, 2023. Please note there will be no extensions, so please be sure to submit your grant application in a timely manner. Decisions are expected to be announced in November.
  • Program and publicity materials for projects receiving funding must include the CJP logo
  • All grantees must demonstrate consideration of accessibility and participation for individuals of all abilities
  • Organizations awarded YA Israel Engagement Grants agree that CJP may share a general overview of the proposed project with other CJP partners and announce the grants publicly to the community grant projects

Funding is not available for the following:

  • Capital projects
  • Endowments
  • Scholarships

Please note:

  • First-time grantees need to provide a current copy of their organization’s W9, 501c3, Mission Statement, and EFT banking instructions
  • Organizations that have received a grant within the last two years from CJP are not required to resubmit their W9 and 501c3
  • For organizations that have previously received a grant in the form of a check from CJP: Please note that we will now require EFT banking instructions to complete the application



  • July 3–October 12, 2023: Online application open
  • August 15, 2023: Virtual info session
  • November 2023: Grants awarded
  • March 8, 2024: Deadline for Second Round applications
  • April 2024: Second Round grants awarded


For any questions, please contact Meir Zimmerman, Engagement Manager, Strategy and Impact, at