Speaker Biographies

Karen E. Spilka

Through hard work, a keen ability to navigate complex issues, and a demonstrated commitment to advocating for her constituents, Senate President Karen E. Spilka has established herself as a respected leader in state government.  

Senator Spilka (D-Ashland) represents the Metrowest communi…

Shira Ruderman

Shira Ruderman is a professional philanthropist and social activist who serves as the Executive Director of the Ruderman Family Foundation, a private family foundation that invests in three primary areas of focus: advocating for and advancing the inclusion of people with disabilities throu…

Reyna Simnegar

Reyna Simnegar was born in Caracas, Venezuela. Her family history dates back to the Spanish Inquisition when her family fled from Spain, changed their last name, and lived as hidden Jews for centuries. Reyna grew up Catholic but inspired by her family heritage, converted to Judaism.

In her …

Marissa Goldstein

Marissa Goldstein is most comfortable on the road. This entrepreneur and mother of two sets of twins under the age of five has traveled to more than 50 countries. Her firstborn identical twin daughters traveled with her to 20 countries and had fully stamped passports before being potty-train…

Carol Fishman Cohen

Carol Fishman Cohen is the Chair and Co-founder of career reentry firm iRelaunch, which produces the iRelaunch Return to Work Conferences. They work with over 100 global employers to build and expand their in-house return to work programs, engage with a community of more than 86,000 "relaunc…