Full Time

CST Director Community Education and Engagement (Devorah Scholar)

Congregation Shaarei Tefillah 35 Morseland Ave, Newton MA

Congregation Shaarei Tefillah, a Modern Orthodox synagogue in Newton, Massachusetts, is seeking a Director of Community Education and Engagement (DCEE), a Jewish professional position that combines spiritual leadership and programming design and implementation for Shaarei’s many cohorts - family, youth, intergenerational, seniors, empty nesters, etc. The ultimate goal of the DCEE is to foster among our synagogue members a greater connection to our Shul community, our Rabbi, each other, robust Jewish communal life, and Torah observance. The DCEE will partner with our Shul’s professional and lay leadership to develop and lead successful Torah learning, Family Education, Youth Programming, and Intergenerational activities for various age groups and levels of observance while working closely with lay volunteers. In addition to responsibilities listed below, the DCEE is expected to participate in Shabbat events (at least) three weekends per month. The DCEE is also expected to attend services regularly and implement youth religious programming on Shabbat and Yamim Tovim.


This is a full-time, salaried position with expected average hours of approximately 40 hours per week. The DCEE reports to the Rabbi and the President and will be supervised primarily by the Rabbi and secondarily by the President.


Responsibilities: Work alongside our professional and lay leaders to provide spiritual leadership and implement comprehensive programs in the following areas:


Youth and Family Jewish Education
Enhance Jewish Family and Youth education and experience with a combination of new programs and existing programs such as Bar and Bat Mitzvah learning, Shabbat Morning Groups, Shaarei Family Learning, B’nei Akiva. Provide leadership training for our youth group leaders.


Cohort and Intergenerational Programs
With assistance from the Shul Administrator and Lay Leaders, help organize programming for Shabbat dinner, lunch, and/or other programs for Shaarei’s various cohorts (young families, founding generation, empty nesters, etc.) and intergenerational programs to foster community and educational opportunities.


Pastoral Care and Counseling
Under the guidance and mentorship of our Rabbi and in partnership with him, provide pastoral care and counseling as needed to those who may seek it. Support members who are ill, homebound, and/or isolated. Participate in Devorah Scholar cohort-building experiences, including professional development workshops.


Torah Education
Deliver Congregational Divrei Torah and sermons/drashot (1-2 per month; greater number while the Rabbi is on sabbatical). Provide weekly shiurim/classes each semester for different cohorts. Weekday Torah classes for middle school and high school students who attend public and private non-Jewish schools.


Maintain weekly communication/meeting with Rabbi, Synagogue Administrator, and Lay Leaders to best plan, manage and administer programs. Develop and foster relationships through a range of mediums from in-person conversation, phone, email, WhatsApp, other social media. Work with Lay Leaders to develop a calendar of programming for Youth activities. Together with the Family Education and Youth Committees and synagogue staff, evaluate programming on an ongoing basis to ensure that our program is meeting its goals. Help edit and compile our weekly Announcements, with space for a brief message/mini-devar Torah.


Discrete Responsibilities:
Shabbat Programming
Plan and implement monthly Shabbat evening/afternoon programs either at the synagogue or in people’s homes, including at least one Shabbat program a month for Middle Schoolers (5-7 grade) and one program a month for High Schoolers (8-12 grade).


Plan and implement special Friday night/Shabbat afternoon programs at the synagogue in conjunction with Scholar-in-Residence and Community Dinner weekends (3-5 times per year).


Work with the Rabbi, Lay Leaders, and Administrator to plan and implement Holiday events including but not limited to the following:
Sukkot (work with B’nei Akiva for children’s programing; adult and family Sukkah hop)


Simchat Torah Activities
Chanukkah (Shul Chanukah Shabbat Dinner/Weekday Party)
Pajama Havdalah (standalone event w/ activities & dinner)
Tu Bishvat Seder or Activity
Purim (Purim Seudah and Celebratory Activities - concert, spiel)
Pesach (Pre-Pesach Activities)
Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron, Yom Haatzmaut - We join other Modern Orthodox Shuls for a joint communal observance. B’nei Akiva runs Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut.
Lag B’Omer - Community BBQ/Dinner celebration
Shavuot - Tikkun Leil and Tikkun Yom activities.
Occasionally attend synagogue board meetings to report on programming.