We'll miss you! Don't let your story end now...

Want to attend an event?

Birthright Israel
Registration is open now
CJP will be sending two buses to Israel on Birthright Israel trips this winter, leaving Sunday, December 22 (ages 22-26) and Thursday, December 26 (ages 27-32). If you fit in one of those age ranges and haven’t been on Birthright, join us!
Start your online application now, or contact Karen for more info.

Stay tuned for more information
Looking to meet new people and engage in the Jewish community? Don’t miss our next cycle of LEADS, a social, nine-session introduction to all that CJP and the Greater Boston Jewish community have to offer.
View the winter schedule, and contact Meghan with any questions.

Chai in the Hub
Save the date: Saturday, February 8, 2020
Join us at the seventh annual Chai in the Hub event, featuring our 10 honorees and our keynote speaker. After the program, we’ll top the evening off with an after-party where you can dance the night away!

Want to grab a coffee? It's on us!

CJP’s Community Connectors have got you covered. In less than two minutes, you can get in touch with Caleb and Rachel, and they’ll take care of the rest. Learn about their Jewish stories, and fill out the form below.

Fill out my online form.