Jessica Poscover

Growing up in the shadows of Jewish Federations, Jessica Poscover always knew the Federation would be an important part of her life – she just didn’t know exactly how.

Jessica first got involved with CJP when she was asked to be on the Families with Young Children committee. She saw it as a chance to be a role model to her family and to pass on the values she had learned.

“I was raised with the value of ‘Kol Yisrael Aravim Zeh ba Zeh – we are all responsible for one another,’” Jessica says. “Being involved with CJP and WP allows me to teach my children this value too.”

She especially loves the Hands-on Philanthropy opportunities because they “allow me to see the results of the good work we do and the impact we make on our community. It makes the experience so much more meaningful.”

Jessica’s children are older now, and although she still strives to be a role model for them, she has discovered another reason to stay involved in Women’s Philanthropy: the people she has met. “Women’s Philanthropy, and CJP in general, reaches out to diverse groups of Jewish people. We all have similar goals, but we come from different places and I may not have had the opportunity to meet these people in other ways… It’s like being part of a sisterhood.”

This year, Jessica served as a co-chair for the Women’s Philanthropy Annual Kick-Off. In this role, she channeled her passion for reaching out to new people and building personal relationships. She feels strongly about building community and getting as many people involved as possible.


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