
27 2016

PresenTense Boston 2016 Social Innovation Showcase

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Hatch Fenway Landmark Center, 8th Floor
401 Park Drive
Boston, MA

Contact Harris R

Monday, June 27 | 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Hatch Fenway
Landmark Center, 8th Floor
401 Park Drive, Boston

Featuring the 2016 PresenTense Boston Fellows,
with special guest Ohad Elhelo

We’re so excited to invite you to the PresenTense Boston 2016 Social Innovation Showcase! You’ll hear pitches from PresenTense Fellows – with ventures ranging from a new platform for online Jewish education to interfaith holiday cards and much more. You will also have the opportunity to make new connections, share ideas, learn more about PresenTense and lend your support to our Fellows.

Join us as we celebrate the work of this year’s PresenTense cohort and see how they’re shaping the future of the Greater Boston Jewish community.

Hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine will be served. Dietary laws will be observed.

There is no cost to attend, but pre-registration is requested by June 23. Walk-ins are welcome.  A photo ID is required for admission.

2016 PresenTense Fellows

Getzel Davis
Ben Elgart
Alexis Gewertz
Julie Judson

Bryanne Mahoney
Andy Pankin
Mark Rudnick
Noah Steinhardt

For more information or special accommodations, please contact Harris at harrisr@cjp.org or 617-457-8567.